1. General terms and conditions

You will receive free services in the form of property visits, negotiations, provision of exposés and procurement of financing. Only upon the conclusion of a purchase agreement, we will receive 5.95% including VAT on the purchase price from the purchaser, irrespective of any advertising cost share possibly to be paid by the seller.

Should you already know the offer, please inform us in writing within five days. Please notice that you will be obligated to pay damage compensation otherwise, provided that a purchase agreement is concluded, namely in the amount of 5.95% of the purchase total, whereas you will be obligated at least to compensate our expenses that were incurred by us due to prior knowledge or absent information thereof.

The dissemination of confidential offer data to third parties is expressly prohibited and gives rise to your liability for the payment of commissions if dissemination is made without our consent and if thereby a purchase agreement is concluded. The amount of the commission is identical to the aforementioned offer. Damage compensation claims remain reserved.

All data is provided in accordance with the information from the seller. Bernd Lorenz ImmoConcept GmbH, Sophienstraße 29, 60487 Frankfurt am Main is not accountable for the correctness of the contents. On principle, Bernd Lorenz ImmoConcept GmbH excludes all liability that is related neither directly nor indirectly to the brokerage or verifiable occasion of contract conclusion (see Sec. 652 seqq. BGB [German Civil Code]), except in the case of intentional or gross negligent actions.

We charge €250.00/hour plus VAT for general orders for research activities/various calculation templates etc.

2. Instruction on the right to revocation for consumers

You have the right to revoke a contract subject to the distance selling regulations – i.e. an agreement effected by fax, email, telephone, internet or postal service – within 14 days without a statement of reasons. The revocation period is two weeks and starts as of the day of the contract conclusion.

To exercise your revocation, an unambiguous declaration is necessary wherein your decision to revoke the contract is clearly stated. Reasons are not required. To observe the revocation period by the way, it is sufficient to send the notification of the exercise of the revocation right to us prior to the expiration of the revocation period.

Should you revoke an accordant contract, we will directly repay all payments we have received from you, at the latest within 14 days as of the day on which we received the notice of your revocation.

A sample revocation form that you can use for the revocation can be downloaded here.

The contract is effected upon the use of our services, e.g. contact made by telephone, letter or electronic means.

Rights to withholding and/or offsetting against the commission claim are excluded.

The place of jurisdiction is Frankfurt/Main Verbal side agreements were not concluded.

Changes to this agreement require the written form. The same applies to a waiver of the requirement of the written form. 

Should one or several provisions be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected thereof. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a provision that comes as close as possible to the parties' economic interests and does not contradict the purpose of the agreement.